How did I get sooo Old this week?

I was just wondering and hoping that someday I will be young again and not coughing. You see I walk slowly now and takes naps and go to bed EARLY! Can you believe it? I am the biggest night owl and now I am just old overnight. I have had this bronchitis and sinus infection for over a week and I know my family is getting just a tab bit tired of it but they are still nice to me :) I will be struck by lightning soon...I saw lightening this morning...I think it was meant for me because I have NO BUSINESS complaining when my daughter Laci is cleaning the bathrooms at this very moment while on her week of chemo! She has a brain tumor which makes me a very big wimp. Okay...she just had to stop and take a rest and take some Zofran (anti-nausea medication). She will go back to cleaning as soon as that kicks in...because that is Laci. She graciously handles everything she goes through and I was hoping I just had a little bit of "Laci" in me :) I seriously can't wait to get back to me again my hyper-active self and get ready for Laci's party! Celebrate Good times...Come on! I am all for it and I am so excited for Laci's 19th Birthday party this coming Feb 20th! When you are a cancer survivor like Laci...Birthdays are the BEST! Laci doesn't know it but Kendra is flying down to surprise her for her party! We just wish we could fly Richie, Emileah, Liam, Kevin and Lisa down!!! But since we can’t…Kendra will represent all her family in Utah. I love my husband Robin, ALL my 6 kids, two beautiful daughter-in-laws, Liam and another grandbaby on the way!!! How did I get so lucky? I don't know but I better get my aged body off here and start helping Laci before lightening really does strike.